Report about the webinar Helpers in crisis

Simona Hoskovcová
Aneta Haramijová

During regular meetings of the Section of Psychology of Crisis, Disaster and Trauma at the Czech-Moravian Psychological Society – CMPS the discussion showed the need to reflect the situation of those helping in the current pandemic situation. That’s why the Section decided to hold a webinar called “Helpers in crisis – the pandemic situation”, which was organized on the 23rd of April 2021. The crisis associated with a pandemic affects not only the affected people and the general population but also the people helping in the crisis.

The psychology of crises and disasters recognizes the importance of care for those helping. Previous crises and disasters in the Czech Republic had rarely affected the whole society, and therefore there was always the option to invite professionals who were not affected by the crisis and could support their colleagues. However, how does the situation change when even the helping professionals are affected? Those were the questions we were seeking answers to in our webinar.

(Fulltext in Czech)


frontline workers, pandemic, supervision, dying