Imaginative abilities and creativity

Ivana Vidláková


The article focuses on theoretical context of the relationship between imaginative abilities and creativity. The existence of such a relationship has been alleged by many authors; however, empirical surveys have not yet arrived at unambiguous conclusions. Despite growing number of both experts and surveys in this field, the findings do not show expected integration of information into a comprehensive overview. The paper brings in results of the surveys aimed at detecting variables which influence phenomena of imagination and creativity. In dealing with the topic of their mutual relationship, the paper attemps to find connecting links which would convey this relationship. The issue of relation of imagination and creativity to hemisphere activity is also discussed.

The author adverts to two standpoints accepted within empirical research. The first one focuses on individual differences and concentrates on hypothetical relation between proband´s statement about mental imagination and measurement of divergent thinking. This approach has a long history and prevails in the study area. Second approach focuses on imagery process and tries to catch the creative impulse. Measurement analyses are based primarily on the premise that individual differences in mental imagery, detected by the method of self-reported mental imagery, correlate with subtests of divergent thinking; the second premise states that closer relations appear when interceding variables (e.g. intelligence, cognitive style) are taken into account.

(Fulltext in Czech)


mental imagery, imagination, creativity


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