Reaction of the Association of Clinical Psychologists of the Czech Republic to the article "Report on the state of the system of education in clinical psychology in the Czech Republic until year 2023", author Ondřej Bezdíček; 2023, vol. 17. no. 2

Hana Jahnová
Fakultní nemocnice, Brno
Daniela Saifrtová
Ordinace klinické psychologie

In the June issue of the journal E-psychologie was published an article by O. Bezdíček on the state of the system and availability of specialisation training in clinical psychology in the Czech Republic. The author discusses, among other things, the shortage of clinical psychologists and gives specific proposals for changing the system of specialisation education.
Since 1991, the Association of Clinical Psychologists of the Czech Republic as a professional organization that has been co-creating and protecting the interests of all four professions working in the healthcare sector, which are psychologists in the healthcare sector, i.e. psychologists enrolled in specialisation training; clinical psychologists; child clinical psychologists and psychotherapists. Thus, by virtue of this title of their primary activity, they must respond to the above article by O. Bezdíček.

(Fulltext in Czech)