Feminist and Gender-Sensitive Psychotherapy: Social Construction of Mental Health

Dagmar Halo
Tomáš Mrhálek ORCID logo
Alena Kajanová ORCID logo


The review aims to summarize the theory and practice of feminist and gender-sensitive psychotherapy in the context of possible contributions to the general conception of psychotherapy and the psychotherapeutic field. The purpose of this review is the give a comprehensive overview of the topic and to highlight significant areas of research. Feminist and gender-sensitive psychotherapy is relatively marginal, and its procedures are not a standard part of classical psychotherapeutic methods. However, the approach provides a multifaceted view of constructing and stabilizing the human psyche and mental health in a sociopolitical context. The Czech environment has not given sufficient attention to this area, even though mental health's soci­opolitical aspect attracts an increasing interest due to its remarkable statements obligating wo/men to think about established societal orders and procedures. Our review aims to summarize the crucial layers of argumentative standpoints of this empowering practice and discuss essential findings of these theoretical statements based on content analysis.



feminist psychotherapy, gender-sensitive psychotherapy, mental health, empowerment


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