Czech version of the Self-Importance of Moral Identity Scale – a pilot study

Veronika Juríčková
Peter Babinčák
Tereza Příhodová
Marek Preiss ORCID logo


Two studies aim to determine the psychometric properties of the Czech version of The Self-Importance of Moral Identity Scale (Aquino, Reed, 2002). The scale consists of nine moral personality qualities that measure two dimensions of moral identity: internalization and symbolization. For the analysis, we chose the authors' 13-item scale originally proposed. Based on the statistical analysis in the pilot study (n = 163), we excluded from the original scale two items that did not meet the established psychometric criteria. In the second study, on a different set of respondents (n = 185), we subsequently verified the degree of internal consistency of the adjusted 11-item scale. We measured construct validity using tools measuring moral untying and cheating at work. Based on the results obtained in our study, we recommend considering the proposed eleven-item alternative of the questionnaire for use in the Czech population, for which we found sufficiently good basic psychometric characteristics.

(Fulltext in Czech)


moral identity, reliability, factor analysis, The Self-Importance of Moral Identity Scale


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