How the colonel shook hands with Germans in a manly way: Possibilities of application of Winnicott’s and Horney’s theories on the psychobiographical research

Martin Brummer


The paper discusses the results of the application of the theories of D. Winnicott and K. Horney on historical data. The data was acquired by analysis of the book texts published in the range of 1918 and 1943 by Emanuel Moravec – a Czech collaborator in World War II. The total number of pages of the analyzed materials counts as 4062. The data was completed by the major life events of Moravec, as they were pictured in his biographies. Using the object-related and neo-psychoanalysis theories the paper outlines: a) possibilities of application of the depth theories on historical data; b) results acquired by application of the mentioned theories; c) possibilities of psychobiography to explain the behaviour of historical popular figures.

(Fulltext in Czech)


source analysis, Emanuel Moravec, neo-psychoanalysis, psychobiography, psychohistory, object relations theory


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