Diagnostics and intervention of the socially conditioned intellectual disability: A qualitative research in the context of the Czech educational and psychological centers

Lucie Šebánková
David Havelka ORCID logo


The aim of this pilot qualitative research was to take an insight into how counseling psychologists perceive the concept of socially conditioned intellectual disability (further only SCID). Specifically, to find out if they are aware of this concept, their attitude towards it, diagnostic practice, and potential supportive interventions. Data were obtained through a semi-structured interview of 10 respondents (Median experience = 6 years), from 9 Children´s e­ducational care centres (5 regions of the Czech Republic). The obtained data were analyzed by thematic analysis with the elements of the grounded theory using the technique of open coding. The analysis showed that none of the respondents explicitly use the term SCID, however, the term is implicitly present in their practice. According to the respondents, the concept could serve as an inspiration for a broader reflection on the etiology of „suspiciously low“ scores in intellectual tests and the intellectual potential of the child. In practice, the respondents most often determine the conclusion about the level of intellectual and adaptive abilities based only on standardized tests of intellect. The respondents do not use tests and scales for adaptive behaviour, social and family environment – mainly due to a lack of staff and time capacity. The respondents perceive the differential diagnosis of SCID from intellectual disability as complicated. Half of the respondents see dynamic assessment as a promising approach to differentiate between SCID and intellectual disability. The respondents provide follow-up support and interventions to children who may fit the SCID concept very marginally due to limited capacity. The interviews also provided several potential suggestions for practice – the need to create a clear and generally accepted definition of SCID, conduct an assessment in greater depth and complexity, and intensify cooperation with the family of a child from a socially disadvantaged background and other related institutions.


(Fulltext in Czech)


pseudo-oligophrenia, disability caused by socially disadvantaged environment, illusory intellectual disability, diagnostics, intervention


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