Grit scale: Psychometric analysis of the Czech adaptation for adult population
The aim of this study is to test the psychometric properties of Czech adaptation of the 8-item Short Grit Scale based on item analysis, internal consistency, content and convergent validity. The sample of 338 respondents included 209 (61.8 %) female and 129 (38.2 %) male participants between 15 and 76 years of age (M = 28.39; sd = 10.5). The results suggest satisfactory reliability and validity. Comparative analyses of demographic factors (age and gender) revealed a significant positive relationship between age and grit. The results are compared with the psychometric properties of the original scale and related studies. The Czech version of Grit-S is attached.
(Fulltext in Czech)
Grit scale, grit, validity, reliabilityLiterature
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