School psychologist - endangered species? The current situation in school counselling in Czech Republic

Eleonora Smékalová

The number of school psychologists and school special teachers working as school specialists at schools gradually increases, among other things also thanks to the projects of the European Union. However, the project support is coming to an end which brings not only the need to search for permanent financing of school system resources for specialists, but also the question of who will provide methodological support, training and quality framework for school counselling. This counselling is seen as a part of the system of educational psychological counselling, however, in practice it is not systemically interconnected. The existing Association of school psychology of CR, that could defend the interests of school psychologists, take care of the correct understanding of this profession and setting up a good practice, isn’t working in this way. There is a support of the school psychology and school counselling in the Department of psychology at the Faculty of Arts of Palacky University in Olomouc both within the frame of pre-gradual studies and within lifelong learning courses, which are attended mainly by school psychologists in practice. There are also held the methodological meetings for school psychologists from the whole region and the seminars from that field. However, what is currently missing is a clear declaration of school psychologists work conditions, cooperation with other school counselling services, future development vision of this profession, systemic support in methodology and supervision. The situation might be improved with the help of well working professional platform, which would collect important information for a good practice of school psychology, point out possible risks and communicate with professional public and school establishers with the help of founders, long-term spokespersons, but also with the young involved colleagues from that field.

(Fulltext in Czech)


school specialist, school psychologist, school counselling


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